Welcome to the Women’s Ministries at Mount  Zion Baptist Church. We are delighted to provide a space where women can connect, grow, and thrive in their faith journey. Our Women’s Ministries offer a supportive community where women of all ages and backgrounds can find encouragement, empowerment, and spiritual enrichment.


Our Mission:

The Women’s Ministries at Mount Zion Baptist Church are committed to:


  1. Spiritual Growth: We strive to deepen our relationship with God through Bible studies, prayer groups, and discussions that address the unique challenges and joys that women face.


  1. Fellowship: Our ministries offer opportunities for women to connect with one another, build meaningful friendships, and provide a support system that uplifts and encourages.


  1. Empowerment: We believe in empowering women to recognize their value, embrace their strengths, and fulfill their God-given purposes in both their personal lives and the wider community.


  1. Outreach: Through service projects and outreach initiatives, we seek to make a positive impact in our community by extending God’s love and compassion to those in need.


Programs and Activities:

Our Women’s Ministries offer a range of programs and activities designed to cater to the diverse needs and interests of women:


  1. Bible Studies: Engage in in-depth studies of the Bible, exploring its relevance to daily life, relationships, and personal growth.


  1. Women’s Retreats: Join us for rejuvenating retreats that provide a refreshing getaway for reflection, fellowship, and spiritual renewal.


  1. Workshops and Seminars: Participate in workshops that address relevant topics such as personal development, health and wellness, and spiritual growth.


  1. Prayer Circles: Connect with other women through prayer circles, where we lift up each other’s needs, challenges, and joys in prayer.


  1. Service Projects: Engage in projects that give back to the community, fostering a spirit of compassion and service.


  1. Mentorship Programs: Participate in mentorship programs where seasoned women of faith offer guidance and support to those seeking to navigate life’s challenges.


  1. Social Events: Enjoy social gatherings that provide opportunities to unwind, connect, and share life’s experiences.


How to Get Involved:

We warmly invite you to become a part of our Women’s Ministries and experience the enriching journey it offers:


  1. Attend Events: Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events, workshops, and gatherings designed specifically for women.


  1. Connect with Us: Reach out to our Women’s Ministries coordinator at women@mountzionseattle.org or call (206) 322-6500 to express your interest and learn more.


  1. Join a Small Group: Connect with a small group of like-minded women for deeper discussions, shared experiences, and meaningful connections.


  1. Share Your Talents: Consider contributing your talents and skills to our ministries, whether through leading a study, organizing an event, or participating in service projects.


The Women’s Ministries at Mount  Zion Baptist Church are a vibrant community where women can grow spiritually, form lasting friendships, and make a positive impact in the world around them. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of faith, empowerment, and connection.

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