Statement of Faith

At the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle, Washington, our Statement of Faith reflects our unwavering commitment to Christian principles, community, and spiritual growth. For over a century, we have stood as a beacon of faith, hope, and love, embracing individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds. Our Statement of Faith is a testament to our beliefs, guiding our actions and interactions within our congregation and the broader community.


  1. We Believe in One God:

We affirm the existence of one true and living God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our worship and devotion are directed towards the Creator of all things, the source of grace, and the sustainer of life.


  1. We Believe in the Authority of Scripture:

We uphold the Bible as the divinely inspired Word of God, authoritative in matters of faith, practice, and daily living. Through Scripture, we seek guidance, wisdom, and insight as we navigate life’s journey.


  1. We Believe in Salvation through Christ:

We acknowledge Jesus Christ as the only Savior and Redeemer of humanity. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace, received through faith in Christ’s atoning sacrifice, His death, burial, and resurrection.


  1. We Believe in the Power of the Holy Spirit:

We recognize the Holy Spirit as the comforter, counselor, and empowerer, who indwells believers, enabling us to live lives transformed by the love and teachings of Christ.


  1. We Believe in the Unity of the Church:

We value the Church as the body of believers united by a common faith in Christ. We strive to foster a sense of community, supporting and encouraging one another as we grow in our faith and service.


  1. We Believe in Social Justice and Compassion:

We are committed to social justice, advocating for equality, equity, and compassion in our community and beyond. Following the example of Christ, we seek to address societal injustices and alleviate the suffering of those in need.


  1. We Believe in Worship and Service:

We celebrate worship as a joyful response to God’s love, expressed through prayer, praise, and gratitude. Our faith is lived out through service to others, as we extend Christ’s love to the marginalized, oppressed, and forgotten.


  1. We Believe in the Second Coming of Christ:

We eagerly anticipate the return of Jesus Christ, when He will bring restoration, judgment, and eternal life to all who believe. Our hope lies in the promise of His coming Kingdom.


Through our Statement of Faith, the Mount  Zion Baptist Church affirms its dedication to nurturing spiritual growth, promoting unity, and fostering positive change. We invite all who seek spiritual fulfillment, community engagement, and a deeper connection with God to join us on this meaningful journey of faith.


For more information about our beliefs, activities, and services, please visit our website at or contact us at (206) 322-6500  or